How to add Lima Labs tiles


User guides



Since v4.23 we support Lima Labs tiles which can be configured as optional layer within Maps Marker Pro.

Lima Labs renders all tiles at a tile size of 512 and a scale factor of 2.0. This gives you crisp high resolution tiles. Check out their demo map at
They do NOT use AWS, Cloudflare or Fastly and provide diversity in the event your current provider’s CDN has issues. They provide anglicized place naming in addition to the local naming and operate a global network.

Usage limits

Lima Labs tiles are FREE for any user needing < 20.000.000 tiles yearly (that is a LOT of tiles). Additional tiles can be purchased in blocks of 5,000,000 for $10 and never expire.

Maps Marker Pro users get additional 5.000.000 tiles for free by signing up for an API key here.

Terms of services

The terms of services can be found at

Tutorial: How to register an API key

  1. Signup for an API key at
  2. Login to your WordPress site with an admin account
  3. Navigate to Maps Marker Pro / Settings / Layers / Limalabs and enter your API key:
  4. Save settings

You are now able to use Lima Lab tiles as optional layer for maps:

  1. create new map or edit existing map
  2. navigate to tab “Layers” and select “Lima Labs” from basemap dropdown & click “add basemap”:
  3. Select the radio button for “Lima Labs” and click save:
  4. This map now uses Lima Labs tiles as default layer.

Updated on 30 October 2022