Maps Marker Pro v4.20 with CSV rewrite and lots of improvements & fixes is available

Posted on 20 November, 2021


Pro-Version Releases
Attention: this is not the changelog for the latest stable version 4.30 (see related release notes)

Maps Marker Pro v4.20 has just been released – later than announced, as good things need time :-). This release includes lots of  with a several new features, library updates, optimizations, performance improvements and bug fixes – in some cases based on your feedback, thanks a lot!

For details and other highlights about this release please see below. An updated to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. If you access to updates and support has expired, please click here for more information on how to optionally renew your access.

rewrite CSV import

Maps Marker Pro allows you to easily perform bulk updates on markers by using the integrated import/export feature, which now has been completely rewritten with v4.20 with the following benefits:

  • Reduced RAM usage by over 90% without sacrificing import speed when using CSV
  • Better error correction/handling for wonky CSV files
  • No more incomplete data – if the import fails at any point, no data will be written
  • Added geocoding cache in order to help prevent reaching geocoding limits on repetive imports (of the same, faulty file for example)

add zoom option to location finder

The location finder has also been improved. You will find a new “zoom” option on the map edit page (with “advanced settings” enabled).

This feature is disabled by default. If you set a zoom level here, the map will zoom to this level when you look up a location without choosing a maximum distance.

add AJAX test to health check

On the tools page we enhanced the integrated plugin health check. Now also a check is performed if your AJAX endpoint (admin-ajax.php) works without any issues (as this is an issue raised often in support tickets). If you see an X here, please check if e.g. some security plugins or firewalls prevent access to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. Please note that this endpoint is not only needed by Maps Marker Pro but also for WordPress in general.

In addition, the result of the health check is now also shown on the Maps Marker Pro admin dashboard widget on the general WordPress dashboard:

add option to show marker to geocoding control

With v4.19 we added a geocoding control, which optionally can be added to your maps. With v4.20 we now also added an option to show a marker when zooming to the found location:

This marker is disabled by default and can be enabled and customized on the map edit page, tab “Controls” (with “advanced settings” enabled):

add marker shorthand for custom shortcode

Please see the Shortcode API reference for details.

add option spiderfyOnEveryZoom to marker clustering

The clustering feature has also been enhanced with this release: you can now enable the option to spiderify markers in a cluster on every zoom, instead of just on higher zoomlevels. You find this new option on the map edit page, Tab “Markers” (with “advanced settings” enabled):

Optimizations and improvements

  • add option to limit countries to LocationIQ geocoding settings
  • use GeoJSON for marker data
  • optimize dashboard widget and add health check
  • use marker zoom level when highlighting a marker
  • load map at highlight position instead of panning to it
  • optimize backend drawing logic
  • disable TinyMCE button in Gravity Forms if no-conflict mode is active
  • remove whitelabel backend option
  • only show dashboard widget to admins
  • only load dashboard widget data when visible
  • remove widget settings from database when uninstalling
  • only show admin notices and compatibility issues to admins
  • visually hide features from users with insufficient capabilities instead of showing an error when using them
  • unify AJAX responses
  • add missing error messages for file downloads

3rd party library changes

  • update Chart.js to 3.6.0
  • update ESRI to 3.0.3
  • update Leaflet.markercluster to 1.5.3
  • update Leaflet-Geoman to 2.11.2
  • update Leaflet.GestureHandling to 1.2.2


  • AJAX security hardening


  • use correct descriptions and reference links for geocoding language/country settings
  • fix popup not opening when broken img tag without src attribute is used
  • fix chart locator being on the wrong map when showing multiple maps
  • fix plugin cleanup cron
  • fix error on tools page when using PHP 8 without libintl
  • escape marker name input value on edit marker page
  • fix ´updated on´ value not being applied correctly to new maps and marker
  • fix translation strings not being registered in default language in some cases
  • fix logic error when listing available icons

Translation updates

Thanks to 210+ translators this release also includes 16 updated translations, see full changelog for details.

If you want to contribute to translations (in exchange for free licenses), please visit for more information.

Full changelog

Changelog for version 4.20 - released on 20.11.2021 (release notes)

add zoom option to location finder
add marker shorthand for custom shortcode
add geocoding cache
add option to show marker to geocoding control
add AJAX test to health check
add option to limit countries to LocationIQ geocoding settings
add option spiderfyOnEveryZoom to marker clustering
rewrite CSV import
use GeoJSON for marker data
optimize dashboard widget and add health check
use marker zoom level when highlighting a marker
load map at highlight position instead of panning to it
optimize backend drawing logic
disable TinyMCE button in Gravity Forms if no-conflict mode is active
remove whitelabel backend option
only show dashboard widget to admins
only load dashboard widget data when visible
remove widget settings from database when uninstalling
only show admin notices and compatibility issues to admins
visually hide features from users with insufficient capabilities instead of showing an error when using them
unify AJAX responses
add missing error messages for file downloads
update Chart.js to 3.6.0
update ESRI to 3.0.3
update Leaflet.markercluster to 1.5.3
update Leaflet-Geoman to 2.11.2
update Leaflet.GestureHandling to 1.2.2
update leaflet-locatecontrol to 0.74.1
use correct descriptions and reference links for geocoding language/country settings
fix popup not opening when broken img tag without src attribute is used
fix chart locator being on the wrong map when showing multiple maps
fix plugin cleanup cron
fix error on tools page when using PHP 8 without libintl
escape marker name input value on edit marker page
fix ´updated on´ value not being applied correctly to new maps and marker
fix translation strings not being registered in default language in some cases
fix logic error when listing available icons
AJAX security hardening
updated Chinese translation thanks to John Shen and ck→ contribute
updated Danish translation thanks to Mark Aabo Pedersen, Mads Dyrmann Larsen and Peter Erfurt→ contribute
updated Dutch translation thanks to Ronald Smeets, Marijke Metz, Patrick Ruers, Fokko van der Leest and Hans Temming→ contribute
updated German translation by Maps Marker Pro team and Daniel Luttermann→ contribute
updated Finnish translation thanks to Jessi Björk→ contribute
updated French translation thanks to Vincèn Pujol, Rodolphe Quiedeville, Fx Benard, Cazal Cédric, Fabian Hurelle and Thomas Guignard→ contribute
updated Italian translation thanks to Luca Barbetti and Angelo Giammarresi→ contribute
updated Japanese translations thanks to Shu Higash and Taisuke Shimamoto→ contribute
updated Lithuanian translation thanks to Donatas Liaudaitis and Donatas Liaudaitis→ contribute
updated Polish translation thanks to Pawel Wyszyński, Tomasz Rudnicki, Robert Pawlak, Daniel and Paul Dworniak→ contribute
updated Russian translation thanks to Ekaterina Golubina (supported by Teplitsa of Social Technologies - and Vyacheslav Strenadko,→ contribute
updated Slovak translation thanks to Zdenko Podobny→ contribute
updated Slovenian translation thanks to Igor Čabrian→ contribute
updated Spanish translation thanks to David Ramí­rez, Alvaro Lara, Victor Guevara, Ricardo Viteri, Juan Valdes & Marta Espinalt and Fernando Coello→ contribute
updated Swedish translation thanks to Olof Odier, Tedy Warsitha, Dan Paulsson, Elger Lindgren, Anton Andreasson and Tony Lygnersjö→ contribute
updated Turkish translation thanks to Emre Erkan, Mahir Tosun and Cagatay Demir→ contribute

If you experience any issues, please search our knowledge base or submit a helpdesk ticket.

Happy mapping!

Your Maps Marker Pro team

How to update

The recommended way to update is to use the WordPress update process: login with an user who has admin privileges, navigate to Dashboard / Updates, select plugins to update and press the button “Update Plugins”. The pro plugin checks every 24 hours if a new version is available. You can also manually trigger the update check by going to Plugins and clicking on the link “Check for updates” next to “Maps Marker Pro”.

If there is an update available, please start the update by clicking the link “update now”.

If you try to update from v3.1.1 or lower, please see this user guide in our knowledge base for installation instruction and a migration tutorial.

Additional information for beta testers

No additional changes needed (as there was no beta release for this release).

Additional information for Database API users

No additional actions are required for Database API users when updating to this version.

How to install Maps Marker Pro from scratch

For directly downloading and installing the Maps Marker Pro as zip file, please click here.

How to verify the integrity of the plugin package

For the SHA-256 hash value and the number of files for this release please check the following file:

This file is digitally signed with our PGP key, key signature file available at

Click here for a tutorial on how to verify the integrity of the plugin package (recommended if the plugin package for a new installation was not downloaded from – verification is not needed though if the automatic update process is used).

Questions? Feedback? Comments?

Let us know what you think about this new release by submitting a review or leaving a comment below!

If you want to keep up to date with the latest Maps Marker Pro development, please follow @MapsMarker on twitter (= most current updates) or on Facebook, subscribe to news via RSS or via RSS/email.

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