Pro v1.2.1 – with performance optimizations & affiliate support – is available

Posted on 14 September, 2013


Pro-Version Releases
Attention: this is not the changelog for the latest stable version 4.30 (see related release notes)

This pro release will especially benefit those users who created layer maps with a huge number of assigned markers. Please see below for more details.

If you want to keep up to date with the latest Maps Marker development, please follow @MapsMarker on twitter, on FacebookGoogle+ or subscribe to news via RSS or via RSS/email.

Now let´s get to the highlights of pro v1.2.1:

Up to 3 times faster parsing of GeoJSON files

I did some legacy code reviews and switched from eval()-function for parsing GeoJSON-arrays needed for layer maps to the much more efficient JSON.parse()-function. According to performance comparison tests, JSON.parse() is up to 3 times faster when parsing the array of markers for a layer map.

support for MapsMarker affiliate links instead of default backlinks

A week ago the Maps Marker Affiliate Program at was launched. Affiliate programs are common throughout the Internet and offer website owners an additional way to profit from their websites. Affiliates generate traffic and sales for commercial websites and in return receive a commission payment.

The Maps Marker Affiliate Program is free for everyone to join and offers an initial 25% commission for each sale delivered and the commission rate gets increased automatically by 1% for each €250 commission earned – up to a maximum of 50%!

In addition we offer 3-tier-levels: recruit new affiliates and receive an additional 5% commission from their sales on each level. For more details about our affiliate program and payout examples please visit

By default (if you did not disable backlinks in Settings / Misc), a backlink pointing to is added to each map you create. With pro v1.2.1 you can now replace this default backlink with your personal affiliate link. This means if a visitor of your site click on this link and buys a pro license afterwards, you will get a commission of at least 25% of the sales volume.

Click here for more infos on how to get your affiliate ID and set up your backlinks.

Please note that within the affiliate dashboard you will also be supplied with a range of banners and textual links that you can place within your site.

If you have any more questions about the affiliate program, please also check the affiliate FAQ and the affiliate agreement – if your question is not answered there, please send an email to affiliates(a) – we will be glad to help!

Other changes & optimizations

  •  improved gpx backend proxy security by adding transients
  • using WordPress function antispambot() instead of own function hide_email() for API links
  • display gpx fitbounds-link already on focusing gpx url field (when pasting gpx URL manually)


  • MapsMarker API – icon-parameter could not be set (always returned null) – thx Hovhannes!
  • fixed broken settings page when plugin wp photo album plus was active (thx Martin!)
  • Wikitude API was not accepted on registration if ar:name was empty (now using map type + id as fallback)
  • plugin uninstall did not remove all database entries completely on multisite installations
  • incorrect warning on multisite installations to upgrade to latest free version before uninstalling

Translations updates

Thanks to many motivated contributors, pro v1.2.1 comes with the following translation updates:

Updated translations

If you want to contribute to translations (Norwegian would be great 😉 ), please visit for more information. Please note that translators are also compensated for their contribution – for example if a translation is finished less than 50%, the translator gets a free 25 licenses pack worth  €199 as a compensation for completing the translation to 100%.

Known issues

The following issues are still open and I will do my best to fix them with the next release:

  • Google Adsense ads are not clickable on layer maps
  • maps break if the option worldCopyJump is set to true (false by default in settings / map defaults / interaction options)

Outlook – my plans for the next release

For v1.3 I plan to add a mass import and edit function via csv/excel. I am also planning further performance improvements by using object cache for database requests and adding support for shortcodes in popups.

Please also see the roadmap for a rough schedule for planned features and please subscribe to this blog (via RSS or Email) or follow @MapsMarker on twitter if you want to stay up to date with the latest development news.

Full changelog

show previous changelogs

support for MapsMarker affiliate links instead of default backlinks – sign up as an affiliate and receive commissions up to 50% !
parsing of GeoJSON for layer maps is now up to 3 times faster by using JSON.parse instead of eval()
improved gpx backend proxy security by adding transients
using WordPress function antispambot() instead of own function hide_email() for API links
display gpx fitbounds-link already on focusing gpx url field (when pasting gpx URL manually)
MapsMarker API – icon-parameter could not be set (always returned null) – thx Hovhannes!
fixed broken settings page when plugin wp photo album plus was active (thx Martin!)
Wikitude API was not accepted on registration if ar:name was empty (now using map type + id as fallback)
plugin uninstall did not remove all database entries completely on multisite installations
incorrect warning on multisite installations to upgrade to latest free version before uninstalling
Translation updates
In case you want to help with translations, please visit the web-based translation plattform
updated Bosnian translation thanks to Kenan Dervišević,
updated Chinese translation thanks to John Shen, and ck
updated Chinese (zh_TW) translation thanks to jamesho Ho,
updated Czech translation thanks to Viktor Kleiner and Vlad Kuzba,
updated Dutch translation thanks to Patrick Ruers,
updated German translation
updated French translation thanks to Vincèn Pujol, and Rodolphe Quiedeville,, Fx Benard, and cazal cédric,
updated Indonesian translation thanks to Andy Aditya Sastrawikarta and Emir Hartato,
updated Latvian translation thanks to Juris Orlovs, and Eriks Remess
updated Polish translation thanks to Tomasz Rudnicki,
updated Romanian translation thanks to Arian, and Daniel Codrea,
Known issues
Although we tried hard, not all known issues could be fixed with this release:
Google Adsense ads are not clickable on layer maps
maps break if the option worldCopyJump is set to true (false by default in settings / map defaults / interaction options)

How to download / update 

The easiest way to update is to use the WordPress update process: login with an user who has admin privileges, navigate to Dashboard / Updates, select plugins to update and press the button “Update Plugins”.

The pro plugin checks every 12 hours if a new version is available. You can also manually trigger the update check by going to Plugins and clicking on the link “Manually check for updates” next to “Leaflet Maps Marker Pro”:


Additional update notes for beta tester

No special action is needed after updating from latest beta/release candidate to the current pro version.