Welcome to the new and improved mapsmarker.com! We treated our website to a complete do-over. This relaunch has been in the making for quite some time – and long-awaited by many of our lovely users, too. Therefore, we’re very excited to finally be able to show you what we’ve been working on for the last months.
By Autopilot (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
This was a team effort, so we’d like to take the time to thank everyone involved: Graphics and design were created by Julia Löw and Klara Tolnai. The designed templates were implemented by Damir Trninc, and everything was overseen and led by Maps Marker Pro founder Robert Seyfriedsberger. Sonja Fischbauer helped with project management and copy writing. And last but not least, we’d like to thank everyone of our users, who over the last years encouraged us to take on this relaunch!
And we’re not stopping here: Since any good WordPress site is a dynamic thing, we’ll still be adding and polishing content further. For a next step, we’ll be working on improving our Knowledgebase.
In German we have this saying “Was lange währt, wird endlich gut”, which loosely translates to “Good things come to those who wait.” We took our time to do this relaunch properly, and we sincerely hope that you will find our new website to be a good thing.
What do you think of the new design and structure? Let us know in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook!
Happy mapping!