Pro v2.1-beta2 with AJAX marker edit support is available

Posted on 14 February, 2015


Pro-Version Beta Releases

I kindly invite all interested users in testing v2.1-beta2 and reporting any issues by using the helpdesk, leaving a comment or using the contact form.

The highlight of the upcoming release is support for AJAX edits on the marker edit pages (no more reloads needed 🙂 ), so I kindly ask beta testers to take a special focus on that new feature (especially testing with different browsers is welcome!).

In addition to v2.1-beta2 I would appreciate beta testers focusing on marker maps using Google basemaps.

Updated translations have not been included yet but will be extracted from shortly before the final release.

The final release v2.1 with more detailed release notes is planned to be released within 1-2 weeks, depending on issues reported by beta testers.

Please see the end of this post on how to update to v2.1-beta2.

Preliminary changelog

changes since v2.1-beta1 are marked bold

optimized editing workflow for marker maps – no more reloads needed due to AJAX support
support for parsing shortcodes in popuptexts on layer maps (thx caneblu!)
CSS classes and labels for GPX panel data (thx caneblu!)
added CSS class .lmm-listmarkers-markername to allow better styling (thx Christian!)
improved SEO for fullscreen maps by adding Settings->General->”Site Title” to end of <title>-tag
enhanced tools section with bulk editing for URL to GPX tracks and GPX panel status
HTML in popuptexts is now also parsed in recent marker widgets (thx Oleg!)
enhance duplicate markers-bulk action to allow reassigning duplicate markers to different layers (thx Fran!)
update Mapbox integration to API v4 (attention is needed if you are using custom Mapbox styles! show details)
minimap improvements: toggle icon & minimised state now scalable; use of SVG instead of PNG for toggle icon (thx robpvn!)
link to changelog on for update pointer if dynamic changelog has already been hidden
strip invisible control chars when adding/updating maps via importer as this could break maps
strip invisible control chars from GeoJSON array added via importer/do_shortcode() as this could break maps
check for updates more often when the user visits update relevant WordPress backend pages (thx Yahnis!)
show complete troubleshooting link on frontend only if map could not be loaded to users with manage_options-capability (thx Moti!)
use custom name instead of MD5-hash for dashboard RSS item cache file to prevent false identification as malware by WordFence (thx matiasgt!)
optimize load time on backend by executing custom select2 javascripts only on according settings page
disable location input field on backend until Google Places search has been fully loaded
strip invisible control chars from Wikitude API as this could break the JSON array
hide Wikitude API endpoint links in map panels by default as they are not relevant to map viewers (for new installations only)
use site name for Wikitude augmented-reality world name if layer=all to enhance findability within Wikitude app
updated jQuery select2 addon to v3.5.2
updated jQuery UI custom theme for datepicker to v1.11.2
improved loading times on layer edit pages by dequeuing unneeded stylesheet for jquery UI datepicker
allow full layer selection on marker edit pages after button “add new marker to this layer” has been clicked on layer edit pages
openpopup state for marker maps now gets saved too after opening the popup by clicking on the map only (not just by ticking the checkbox)
fire load-event on “tilesloaded” on Google basemaps
updated markercluster codebase (using build from 27/10/2014 – thx danzel!)
updated locatecontrol codebase to v0.4.0 (txh domoritz!)
marker names were not added to popuptexts on fullscreen maps (thx Oleg!)
PHP warnings on marker edit page if option “add directions to popuptext” was set to false
IE8 did not show markers on layer maps if async loading was enabled (thx Marcus!)
XLSX/XLS/ODS/CSV import: links to detailed warning messages were broken if detailed results were hidden
incomplete dynamic preview of popuptexts on marker edit pages if option “add markername to popup” was set to true
incomplete dynamic preview of popuptexts on marker edit pages if position of marker was changed via mouse click
marker map center view on backend was set incorrectly if popuptext was closed after marker dragging
broken popups on marker maps when option “where to include javascripts?” was set to header+inline-javascript
slashes from markernames were not stripped if option to add markername to popuptext was set to true
broken maps if negative lat/lon values for maps created by shortcodes directly were used (thx Keith!)
Wikitude API endpoint for all maps did not deliver any results if a layer with ID 1 did not exist (thx Maurizio!)
dynamic preview of markername in map panels was broken if TinyMCE editor was set to text mode
dynamic preview: switching controlbox status to “collapsed” was broken if saved controlbox status was “expanded”
issues with access to WordPress backend on servers with incomplete applied “Shellshock”-vulnerability-fix (thx Elger!)
replaced 3 broken EEA default WMS layers 5/9/10 (for new installs only in order not to overwrite custom WMS settings)
“Your user does not have the permission to delete this marker!” was shown to non-admins when trying to create new markers
form submit buttons on backend were not displayed correctly with Internet Explorer 9
Google exception when zooming to non-whole numbers (issue evident during touch zoom on touch devices)
Translation updates
In case you want to help with translations, please visit the web-based translation plattform
updated Croatian translation thanks to Neven Pausic,, Alan Benic and Marijan Rajic,
updated Czech translation thanks to Viktor Kleiner and Vlad Kuzba,
updated Dutch translation thanks to Patrick Ruers,
updated French translation thanks to Vincèn Pujol, and Rodolphe Quiedeville,, Fx Benard,, cazal cédric,, Fabian Hurelle, and Thomas Guignard,
updated German translation
updated Italian translation thanks to Luca Barbetti,
updated Japanese translations thanks to Shu Higash
updated Latvian translation thanks to Juris Orlovs, and Eriks Remess
updated Polish translation thanks to Pawel Wyszyński,, Tomasz Rudnicki, and Robert Pawlak
updated Romanian translation thanks to Arian,, Daniel Codrea, and Flo Bejgu,
updated Spanish translation thanks to Alvaro Lara,, Victor Guevara,, Ricardo Viteri, and Juan Valdes
updated Spanish/Mexico translation thanks to Victor Guevera, and Eze Lazcano
updated Turkish translation thanks to Emre Erkan, and Mahir Tosun,
updated Swedish translation thanks to Olof Odier, Tedy Warsitha, Dan Paulsson, Elger Lindgren, and Anton Andreasson,

how to update to 2.1-beta2

Warning: it is not recommended to install 2.1-beta2 on production sites and it is advised to backup your site regularly (which is advised anyway)!

In order to be able to update to 2.1-beta2, you first have to set beta-testing in settings / misc to enabled:


As next step after saving your settings, navigate to Plugins and click on the link “Manually check for updates” next to Maps Marker Pro:



Finish by clicking on the link “Update now”.

feedback and suggestions?

Please use the helpdesk for bugreports, feedback or suggestions or leave a comment – any feedback is welcome!