v3.5.4 – with lots of translation updates & bugfixes – is available

Posted on 24 May, 2013


Free-Version Releases
Attention: this is not the changelog for the latest stable version 4.29.1 (see related release notes)

I decided to make another minor release as lots of new and updated translations as well as some annoying bugs and changes needed attention.

The release cycle is currently a bit longer than usually as I am still working hard on finishing pro version 1.0. Unfortunately it takes a bit longer than planned initially as I got some external dependencies I can´t really accelerate :-/

On the other hand this also has some good sides as I could use the time to finish more features than planned for pro v1.0. Here is a list of already finished features and optimizations you will get once the pro plugin is released:

If you want to keep up to date with the latest Maps Marker development, please follow @MapsMarker on twitter, on Facebook, Google+ or subscribe to news via RSS or via RSS/email. A preview of already finished pro features can be found here.

One personal request: as WordPress added a new review feature for plugins hosted on wordpress.org, I kindly invite you to leave your opinion about my plugin at http://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/leaflet-maps-marker.

Changelog for v3.5.4:

Changes & optimizations

  • updated OpenStreetMap attribution text and link
  • add compatibility check for WP Minify (which is causing layer maps to break if HTML minification is active)
  • update jQuery-Timepicker-Addon to v1.2.2 and compress file with jscompress.com
  • load local jquery instead of from Google when pressing tinyMCE button (thx pippinsplugins.com!)


  • Mapquest Aerial basemap was broken as API endpoint was changed
  • removed double resolution settings for Cloudmade basemaps as tiles were distorted on non-retina displays
  • fixed HTML validation issue (missing alt-tag on image)
  • fixed potential XSS issue on backend when using map shortcodes (thx City of Vienna!)

Translations updates

Thanks to many motivated contributors, v3.5.4 comes with the following translation updates:

New translations

  • Czech translation thanks to Viktor Kleiner
  • Indonesian translation thanks to Emir Hartato, http://whateverisaid.wordpress.com
  • Swedish translation thanks to Olof Odier http://www.historiskastadsvandringar.se, Tedy Warsitha http://codeorig.in/ and Dan Paulsson http://www.paulsson.eu

Updated translations

If you want to contribute to translations (Persian would be great 😉 ), please visit http://translate.mapsmarker.com/projects/lmm for more information.

Outlook – my plans for the next release

I am still working on the pro version which is planned to by end of July. Please subscribe to this blog (via RSS or Email) or follow @MapsMarker on twitter if you want to stay up to date. See these posts for previews of features already finished.

Full changelog (show previous changelogs)

add hover effect for nav menu buttons for better usability (thx Georgia!)
add compatibility check for WP Minify (which is causing layer maps to break if HTML minification is active)
update jQuery-Timepicker-Addon to v1.2.2 and compress file with jscompress.com
load local jquery instead of from Google when pressing tinyMCE button (thx pippinsplugins.com!)
updated OpenStreetMap attribution text and link
Mapquest Aerial basemap was broken as API endpoint was changed
removed double resolution settings for Cloudmade basemaps as tiles were distorted on non-retina displays
fixed HTML validation issue (missing alt-tag on image)
fixed potential XSS issue on backend when using map shortcodes (thx City of Vienna!)
 Translation updates
In case you want to help with translations, please visit the web-based translation plattform
Czech translation thanks to Viktor Kleiner
Indonesian translation thanks to Emir Hartato, http://whateverisaid.wordpress.com
Swedish translation thanks to Olof Odier http://www.historiskastadsvandringar.se, Tedy Warsitha http://codeorig.in/ and Dan Paulsson http://www.paulsson.eu
updated Bosnian translation thanks to Kenan Dervišević, http://dkenan.com
updated Chinese translation thanks to John Shen, http://www.synyan.net
updated Chinese (zh_TW) translation thanks to jamesho Ho, http://outdooraccident.org
updated Spanish translation thanks to Alvaro Lara, http://www.alvarolara.com, Victor Guevara, http://1sistemas.net and Ricardo Viteri, http://www.labviteri.com
updated Polish translation thanks to Tomasz Rudnicki, http://www.kochambieszczady.pl
updated Romanian translation thanks to Daniel Codrea, http://www.inadcod.com
updated Slovak translation thanks to Zdenko Podobny
updated Italian translation thanks to Luca Barbetti, http://twitter.com/okibone
updated Indonesian translation thanks to Emir Hartato, http://whateverisaid.wordpress.com
updated Dutch translation thanks to Patrick Ruers, http://www.stationskwartiersittard.nl
updated French translation thanks to Vincèn Pujol, http://www.skivr.com and Rodolphe Quiedeville, http://rodolphe.quiedeville.org/
updated Catalan translation thanks to Efraim Bayarri, http://replicantsfactory.com and Vicent Cubells, http://vcubells.net
updated German translation

How to download / update 

You can download the latest version here. The easiest way to update is to use the WordPress update process: login with an user who has admin privileges, navigate to Dashboard / Updates, select plugins to update and press the button “Update Plugins”. Alternatively you can also download the current version here, unzip the package and overwrite the plugin´s files on your webserver.