
26. September 2016

Hotfix for “W3 Total Cache” issue since v0.9.5

Update 30.9.2016: W3 Total Cache v0.9.5.1 has been released today, which re-adds backward compatibility for third-party-plugins using their functions and classes. Maps Marker Pro and Leaflet Maps Marker will work properly out of the box with W3 Total Cache v0.9.5.1 even if the hotfix below was not applied. The popular W3 Total Cache plugin was […]

26. June 2016

Pro v2.7.3 – focusing on compatibility and bugfixes – is available

This release focuses on the Google API changes which are in effect since January 22nd 2016 and helps fixing related potential issues. An update to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. For more details about this release please see below. Let us know what you think about this new release by submitting […]

18. June 2016

Pro v2.7.2 – compatibility and bugfix release – is available

v2.7.2 is a compatibility and bugfix release which focuses on increasing the overall usability on frontend and backend. I would especially like to thank all users reporting issues and plugin conflicts which could also be solved with this release. An update to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. For more details […]

20. May 2016

Pro v2.7.1 with bugfixes (especially for maps on mobiles) is available

v2.7.1 is a bugfix release which fixes an issue with map zooming on mobile devices and also includes some other minor bugfixes especially for filters that we added with v2.7. An update to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. For more details about this release please see below. Let us know what you think […]

2. May 2016

Introducing WPRuby: our official partner for custom Maps Marker Pro development

If you want to extend Maps Marker Pro further beyond its features, we’ve got the Maps Marker Pro APIs ready for you to build upon it. And if you need some help with that, we’ve got that covered now, too: Long-time Maps Marker developer Waseem Senjer recently launched his site WPRuby, where he leads a […]