
14. September 2012 – new FAQ system and faster website

“Leaflet Maps Marker” has been downloaded more than 22.000 times today – thanks a lot for your trust and your great feedback, which motivates me to keep on working on the plugin :-). Beside constantly improving the plugin by adding new features and bugfixes, I started focusing on improving the website When I launched […]

11. July 2012

Plugin review by

Today I discovered a review of our plugin on the blog Fetch for WordPress, titled “Making Maps With WordPress – Free and Premium Map Plugins”: I was happy to read that my plugin was listed first, followed by a quite friendly review: Leaflet Maps Maker is an advanced and versatile plugin that allows for hundreds […]

10. July 2012

Still using version <2.4? Please update as soon as possible!

As written in the changelog of v2.4, my plugin was audited by the City of Vienna and a few days later used on – an official Viennese site monitoring e-participation projects. During this security audit, several security issues were fixed. I didn´t disclose the details of these bugs (you can although reconstruct them through […]

18. June 2012

City of Graz launches Open Data Portal

The city of Graz has launched its opendata portal today at The 71 published machine-readable datasets also include basemaps for the city which can be configured to be displayed with Leaflet Maps Marker. Just head to your settings page and enter the following information into one of the WMS layers under the WMS tab: […]

8. June 2012

Switching to GlotPress for an easier translation process

Thanks to many engaged contributors, Leaflet Maps Marker is currently available in 8 languages. Till now, the process of managing and updating those translations has been a bit complicated as the use of poedit for example didn´t allow collaborative working on a translation. This now all changed as Kenan kindly draw my attention to GlotPress, which […]