Maps Marker Pro v4.0.3 is available

Posted on 04 November, 2018


Pro-Version Releases
Attention: this is not the changelog for the latest stable version 4.29.1 (see related release notes)

We just released Maps Marker Pro v4.0.3 which re-adds the option to hide error tiles for custom basemaps, which can lead error images being displayed if the custom tile server has a limited coverage:

Additionally we also updated the migration script to properly sanitize custom layer subdomains: in case you used custom basemaps with subdomains in v3.1.1, maps could partially be displayed in v4 due to this issue. You do not need to re-run the migration though in this case – it is enough to change the value for “Subdomains” in the custom basemap configuration from e.g. a,b,c to abc.

For futher changes and fixes please see the full changelog below.

If you did not update from v3.1.1 to v4 yet, please see the release notes from v4.0 for installation instruction, migration tutorial and post installation tasks.

If you still experience any issues, please submit a helpdesk ticket.

Happy mapping!

Your Maps Marker Pro team

Full changelog

Changelog for version 4.0.3 - released on 04.11.2018 (release notes)

add option to hide error tiles on custom basemaps
also search in address text field on markers list
select the first available basemap if the default cannot be found
HTML entities were not displayed correctly for JS translations
properly sanitize custom layer subdomains during migration
updated Czech translation thanks to Viktor Kleiner and Vlad Kuzba→ contribute
updated German translation by Maps Marker Pro team and Daniel Luttermann→ contribute
updated French translation thanks to Vincèn Pujol, Rodolphe Quiedeville, Fx Benard, Cazal Cédric, Fabian Hurelle and Thomas Guignard→ contribute